How to search effectively with web and enterprise search engines?

Effective search in personal and business life

Whether it is our personal computers or smart devices, we use web search engines every day. But how can these search engines really be used effectively? And what is the difference between a web search engine and an enterprise search engine?

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Deep experience in text analytics

Precognox develops text analytics solutions and therefore has considerable knowledge of search engines.

Knowledge is just a click away

Learn more about the topic. Register now so we can share our experience of successful search with you.

Put the knowledge you’ve gained to work

Once you sign up, you’ll get bits of information that will help you use your search engine more effectively and successfully, whether you use a web or enterprise search engine.

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Effective search in personal and business life

Whether it is our personal computers or smart devices, we use web search engines every day. But how can these search engines really be used effectively? And what is the difference between a web search engine and an enterprise search engine?

Would you like to know more about effective search?

You can access the full content by filling in the form below.

Deep experience in text analytics

Precognox develops text analytics solutions and therefore has considerable knowledge of search engines.

Knowledge is just a click away

Learn more about the topic. Register now so we can share our experience of successful search with you.

Put the knowledge you’ve gained to work

Once you sign up, you’ll get bits of information that will help you use your search engine more effectively and successfully, whether you use a web or enterprise search engine.

Keep improving your knowledge

Follow us on social media and keep up to date with the latest news in text analytics and enterprise search.


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