Our memberships

We are members of many communities whose goals we can identify with. These professional communities are supporters of contact with partners, clients and representatives of the media.

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Professionally up to date

It is important for us to continuously develop and nurture professional relationships, therefore we are members of many communities whose goals we can identify with. Our organizational memberships also help us to serve our Customers and Partners considering the latest information and technologies.

We support the local representatives of the software development profession through our own Kaposvár Software Development Meetup community. Within the Meetup of the we hold lectures on a monthly basis and enable the members of the community to get acquainted with the latest technologies and trends.

Our memberships

AI Artificial Intelligence Coalition

The goal of the Artificial Intelligence Coalition (AI Coalition) is to put Hungary at the forefront of artificial intelligence developments and applications in Europe and to become an important member of the international AI community.

Our company was one of the first to join the Coalition, which now has nearly 400 members in Hungary.

Enterprise Europe Network

The Enterprise Europe Network is the European Union’s only and at the same time the world’s largest business development network, whose primary goal is to promote the expansion of the international relations of European small and medium-sized enterprises. The Network’s consultants support businesses in establishing international business and technological collaborations through their expertise and local network of contacts. The Enterprise Europe Network provides up-to-date and reliable information about the opportunities offered by the common market.

LT-Innovate Language Technology Industry Association

LT-Innovate Language Technology Industry Association, founded in 2012, believes that language technology makes the world intelligent, multilingual and interactive. The Association supports its members in many ways: promoting the industry, sharing knowledge and, among others, supporting decision-making processes.

Modern Enterprises Program

Modern Enterprises Program provides no-cost, personalised expert assistance for the IT development of your business, as well as exclusive consultancy or pre-qualification services for the acquisition of certain EU funds.

Information Management Innovation Cluster

Information Management Innovation Cluster was founded in 2008 with the aim of helping the growth of its members and the wider ICT sector by supporting the enhancement of their competitiveness, both in their product markets and in relation to the labor market.

Our software development company is one of the 50 members of the Cluster.

Software Developer Meetup (Kaposvár, Hungary)

Our company contributes to the development of the IT profession by creating several communities. We are the founders and organizers of the Kaposvár Software Developer Meetup, the aim of which is to unite the local software development community with professional meetings and presentations. Meetup held its first event in 2014, which has now been followed by nearly 50 other events.

Open Natural Language Processing Meetup

In addition to the Kaposvár Software Developer Meetup, we are the founders and former organizers of the Open Natural Language Processing Meetup, which regularly organizes and holds technological and scientific talks on artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), speech technology and about information retrieval.

We are open

We are open is a non-profit organization consisting of a coalition of companies and other organizations, whose mission is to show the public that openness is a great value for organizations, employers and employees to experience, to learn about and to show others the values inherent in it.

Our company has been a member of the community since 2020.


IVSZ, as a communications organization, serves as the common platform for the information technology, telecommunications, and electronics industries, and represents matters above direct business objectives, as well as industry and social interests. Our company has been a member of this professional organization for more than 10 years.

Sustainable Business Culture Community

The Sustainable Business Culture initiative connects and forms a community of companies that see performance and value creation as the true measure of their operations and agree that market competition develops them just as much as win-win business collaborations. Thanks to our management principles and previously acquired certifications, since 2020 we have been available to our Clients and Partners as a Certified Sustainable Business Entity.

Somogy Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Somogy Chamber of Commerce and Industry serves as an information and service center for businesses operating in Somogy County. The chamber’s mission is to promote economic development as the self-governing body of businesses, protect the integrity of market behavior, and ensure the general interests of economic activities. As a public body, the chamber also performs governmental tasks.

Furthermore, the Somogy Chamber of Commerce and Industry supports local businesses through the organization of professional clubs and training sessions.


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