Our commitment to sustainability
What does sustainability mean?
Based on the results of the examination of compliance with sustainability goals, our company belongs to the "A" company category, that is, "exportable from the point of view of sustainability".
Health and well-being in our everyday life
Our action against climate change
As an IT company, we are aware that traditional, paper-based services can largely be replaced with modern and up-to-date solutions, thereby reducing the resulting environmental impact, which is also a serious step against climate change.
We have an official sustainability analysis and expert opinion on the successful achievement of the above goals, prepared with the cooperation of Green English.
Our activities for sustainability
Project management
Built on two pillars for sustainability expand our activities
Environmental mainstay
- We strive for energy-saving use and work in the premises
we rent in the office building - We regularly measure and monitor the amount of energy used
- We take concrete practical steps to save energy: use motion-detecting
lights, daily power cuts - We have guidelines for the environmentally conscious use of electronic
and electrical equipment - We regularly maintain our cooling and heating systems
- We monitor and follow the amount of generated waste by type
- We collect used dry batteries, batteries, electrical and electronic waste separately
- We train our employees in waste management
- We have developed green regulations for printing
Our economic and social pillars
- Our company is a member of the Association of IT Enterprises, which is a professional-industry association for employment, economic development, market expansion and innovation
- We have a code of ethics that clearly articulates the company’s diversity aspirations, company values and expected behaviors
- We pay a lot of attention to local community development programs based on the needs of local communities
- We support the development of the local environment, e.g. by presenting the products of local producers, supporting local schools with IT tools, supporting local sports events
- Our company received the title Family-friendly Workplace of the Year twice (in 2020 and 2022), in 2020 we won the Lovely Workplace award at the competition organized by Dreamjobs
- The company management has taken concrete steps to ensure that the operation of the organization is transparent, our company has an anti-corruption policy, among other things thanks to this, our company has been a Certified Responsible Business Actor since 2020
- We prioritize local suppliers
- In the course of our activities, we comply with the data protection rules
- We maintain good relations with local IT companies, we are in partnership with each other, thus contributing to long-term sustainable joint work