The two-day networking forum and lecture series was organized under the name London Business Trip between 10 and 11 May 2023, the purpose of which was to facilitate the entry of Hungarian businesses into the UK market.
The organizers and hosts of the event were the HBBA (Hungarian British Business Alliance), the Embassy of Hungary in London and the London Chamber of Commerce. More than 40 Hungarian and nearly 70 British companies and Start-ups from the fields of IT, Finance, Property & Development, Manufacturing, Technology and Agriculture were represented at the event.
We gladly accepted the invitation to the event, since such networking opportunities can significantly contribute to our international business development.
Among the best in Europe
The organizers invited many dynamically developing companies and Start-ups to the event. Since this year Precognox was included in Financial Times’ FT1000 list of the most dynamically developing European companies, we felt that this is the next step to guarantee the long-term development of our business by establishing successful relationships through two days.

The two-day programme consisted of numerous parts. On the first day, after the networking breakfast, the guests were informed through lectures on the topics of launching a business locally and entering the UK market. The change in the legal and regulatory environment was also discussed, which has a significant impact on the business relations of companies operating in the United Kingdom and in the countries of the European Union. Moreover, the audience received first-hand information about running and setting up a company in the UK and leadership & resilience for high grotwh. The topic of best practices, bilateral trade and scaling and seeking investments for business in the UK also had dedicated presentations.
After the official programs, the evening event was all about getting to know each other and building relationships, which couldn’t have been taken place elsewhere but in a local English pub.
The second day was mainly about the presentations and workshops held in London Chamber of Commerce. The networking session offered great opportunity to discuss with experts and to build business relationships with potential partners.
We would like to thank the organizers for their great job. We are sure that exploiting the information obtained, we can build successful business relationships in the UK.