Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing encompasses all the processes through which natural (human) languages can be processed using computer methods.

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What is Natural Language Processing?

Natural language processing (NLP) is an area where artificial intelligence, programming and linguistics meet and natural (human) languages ​​are processed by various computer methods. One of the most important pillars of our services is natural language processing.

Which solutions do we apply natural language processing for?

Natural language processing serves as a basis for many text analytics solutions, such as:

  • content analysis
  • categorization and text labeling (tagging)
  • sentiment analysis
  • automatic machine translation.

TAS Text Analytics System developed by Precognox includes solutions based on the achievements of natural language processing.

The Hungarian Natural Language Processing Meetup, which we founded and now has more than 1000 members, is a professional forum in the field of natural language processing.

Integrated solutions

In the field of natural language processing our partner is Babel Street, the developer of ROSETTE text analytics system. Utilizing the ROSETTE product range Precognox, as system integrator, develops advanced text analytics solutions.

From ROSETTE’s product range, we integrate the following into our text analytics solutions:

Other ROSETTE solutions:

Precognox products with ROSETTE integration

TAS Enterprise Search, developed by Precognox, allows the user to search for entities (eg: organizations, individuals, geographical names, dates)in textual contents . The entity recognition required for this is provided by the ROSETTE Entity Extractor.

In TAS Enterprise Search, the name identification process is implemented using the ROSETTE Name Indexer solution.

Supported Languages

ROSETTE solutions are now available in 18 languages. Supported languages are among others English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, Russian and Chinese. Hungarian-language solutions were developed with the help of Precognox, the European partner of Babel Street.

Further integrated NLP solutions

Solution providers are grouped by technology below.

Solutions developed with ROSETTE integration

The following interesting projects were also made by integrating Rosette’s solutions:

Learn more about our text analytics solutions.

New horizons

The knowledge and capabilities of ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI and made available to everyone free of charge in November 2022, can also be used excellently in further text analytics solutions.


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